Alright, now most people who know me in person will know me as a windows supporter, and that is that,
Truth be told, I'm really not, I have quite a genuine liking for Mac and their nifty designs, I don't however like how Mac owners can't SHUT THE FUCK UP about how much awesome their computers are because they have bigger wallets.
now, some simple facts:
- Microsoft owns about 90% of the market, while Apple owns about 10% (Linux obviously not really counting because nobody is stupid enough to charge for it).
- Microsoft is SOFTWARE ONLY while Mac is also hardware in a sense, so they have a lot more to protect.
- Microsoft does not make it against the license of their software to use it on anything but their computers (unlike Apple).
Right now while that is out of the way, Mac's can do anything a PC can do, but they just cost a lot more to do it, and even more to do it better (meaning gaming mostly).
Point in question being that Mac's can run windows, but to get the same hardware that's in a Windows PC that costs about $1500-2000, you would need to pay about $2500-3000. Don't bother arguing with me on this because quite plainly I don't care if you have another opinion.
In my honest opinion, Mac's are better for designing, and that covers ALL types, they are also better for music creation etc, they are not better for office stuff, they can do it, but they are not better or anywhere near as economic to use in an office environment. And they are not as good for gaming at all (minus the new expensive ones with the Nvidia 8 series cards which STILL need to be running windows to fucking play the games properly).
This is also why there are next to no virus's for Mac, there is like a 3 digit figure, that represents how many Mac Virus's there are IN TOTAL. I mean come on, who wants to attack artists and musicians right? While conversely with Windows, the mainly used operating system by nearly every business in existence, there is something like millions, possibly billions of Windows virus's, ranging from minor annoyances to the dreaded Cuddly Bear Virus. Windows needs virus updates every day to make sure you have a hope of staying clean, and even then sometimes that isn't enough, while Mac does not need an Anti-Virus program AT ALL, because if a virus is made, it is usually patched out within a few weeks maximum.
Okay, Mac's look better, have a more streamlined interface, and much less issues than PC's, but that's because everything is set in stone!
If you want to customize your Mac, you do it when you buy it, because afterwards there's no going back, unless you buy one of the behemoth Mac Pro's.
while on a PC, you can pretty much switch anything for something else, and it will still work after some tweaking or re-installing.
Now since Mac switched to Intel CPU's, the ONLY THING separating them from PC's (whether Mac owners admit it or not, frankly, I think they are just annoyed because they paid for something different, and now its not so special) was the software, and the shiny box/screen it was running from.
and even that is no longer unique, because I happen to be running OS X Leopard 10.5.2 fully functioning on my current PC without ANY issues whatsoever.
so the only thing left is a shiny box, which can be bought if so desired (or something that looks almost identical.
so, final thoughts:
Macs are better for music composition, designing, and art.
PC's are better for gaming/office stuff.
Mac's are no longer unique because of points expressed above, so stop being so stuck up, stop trying to put yourself above the rest of the world because you have a Mac, and just fucking enjoy it quietly!