Battlefield Heroes, It's Free, It's a cartoon, and it looks damn fun


Most gamers reading this will be well aware of the EA Games Battlefield series, consisting of Battlefield 1942, Battlefield Vietnam, Battlefield 2, Battlefield 2142.

Which have mostly been aimed at realism (or as realistic as people shooting beams of light at each other to kill them consistently can be.), but now EA has decided to try the new approach, a free game, which is paid for by the advertising that is placed around it on walls etc.

I guess it's their new approach to stopping people downloading the games illegally via Torrents etc, they still make money, and people download the games for free, everyone wins.

here's a little video to get you interested:

Looks like it's coming out later this year, I'm hoping it's going to be sooner than that.

(Did someone say Team Fortress 2 ripoff?)