Nvidia and Ageia (good news for Nvidia 8 Series owners)

If any of you are even remotely up to date with Tech news you would probably have heard of this, but perhaps I should drown your head in the deep seas of knowledge anyway.

There are two companies in play here, Nvidia (one of the Big Graphics card Company Duo) and Ageia (Gaming Physics Company).

Ageia alone was coming into trouble, this being because while they had an awesome idea, that being that Physics in games could be stepped up, but a seperate Processor would be needed to do so, so they created the Ageia PhysX card:


While the card did it's job nicely, there were issues with proving it actually took some of the weight off the main CPU and Graphics card, which would help persuade people to fork out a quite obscene $400 for the card alone.

Which has left them in such a pickle that they were starting to run into Financial issues...

Nvidia seeing the fantastic opportunity (to further their cards even more and gain a huge advantage over ATI) decided to buy out Ageia and start implementing them in their own cards later down the line.

This presents FANTASTIC gaming experience possibilites, and the good news keeps coming;

Nvidia 8 series owners are due to recieve a Software Update within a few months that will turn their Graphics Cards into one of these $400 paperweights AS WELL as their original functions of being graphics cards.

this is possible because Nvidia has found a way to utilize the PhysX engine with their Nvidia 8 Series CUDA processors quite well. This is good news for me of course because of my 8800 GT :D

So I wish Nvidia good luck on their venture, because I look forward to this kind of gaming very soon :) :