Windows Vista Gaming, ironically fails...

Alright, well let me start by saying I gave Vista a chance, and while it isn't really that good today, it has come a LONG WAY from where it once was.

I was one of the people who was testing its various versions about a year and a half before it was released. So I can say with a lot of certainty, it's definitely made some strides, but nowhere near enough to leave bum town...

As a result, I buy a soupped up PC:
Quad Core CPU
Nvidia 8800 GT
Gigabyte Motherboard to support all of these.

I install Windows Vista Ultimate, Install Crysis, and here is the Ironic part.

The very operating system REQUIRED to play Crysis in DirectX10 graphics OBLITERATES the performance SO MUCH that it actually makes it unplayable when it is set to DirectX10 mode.

One of the worst ripoffs ever.

THERE IS ONE VERSION HOWEVER of Vista that is the best there is to TRY to counteract this.

TinyVista (don't bother asking where to get it, it's not a legitimate copy, unless you use a legitimate serial with it like me), it's a 700mb CD, which unzips to 1.24gb (versus the normal 4.5gb DVD which unzips to something like 10GB) and ONLY installs the needed programs and services for running games/general internet browsing etc.

It does have a tremendous performance advantage over any other version of Vista, but more in the system performance than the gaming performance.

This would be because Vista takes much better advantage of Dual and Quad core processors than XP does (by design of course).

And because TinyVista removes all the useless services from Vista, it makes it possibly the best windows experience availiable (for system performance not for gaming).

SO, final word, if your a gamer, Vista is not for you, even if you have an insanely good PC, it does not seem to be able to quite make up for the performance loss. For System performance alone, it will beat XP if you buy a good PC, otherwise, don't bother and stick with Windows XP until Windows 7 (Vista being version 6) comes out.

Which is why I currently am running XP SP3/Mac OS X Leopard on my PC.